The beauty world is hitting the roof because they are hitting the pan!

With the release of the Anastasia Beverly Hills Subculture palette, beauty fanatics all over were very excited about the release. But when trying this new palette out, it was disappointing to most.

Beauty bloggers and Gurus of course reviewed it for us and most were very honest about the quality of the product. The palette shows that it has major kickback! Which wastes so much product.

Alissa Ashley, a beauty vlogger, posted her review on the palette. With having over 650,000 subscribers, the word got out pretty quickly about the disappointing product that was released.


Alissa showed how blending the powdery eyeshadows just created a mess. She even took to twitter to show an up close clip o gently patting the shadows on a blending brush. The kickback was so bad that she hit the pan! Every makeup lovers worst nightmare.

ABH's very own Claudia Soare released a statement explaining that the eyeshadows were lightly pressed, and that could've caused the extreme kickback. Also stating that they would replace any palette that was unsatisfactory.

Unfortunately, in the beauty world bad press is never good press. People across social media are still very upset.

With such a well known brand its upsetting to see that this palette wasn't what many thought it would be.

It makes me very sad because ive always been an ABH fan. Having most of her products I don't think ill be purchasing this one.


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