$20 DIY Ring Light

Hello beauties! Today I'm going to show you how to make your own ring light for only about $20 or less. Its super simple and fast. It has CHANGED the way I do my makeup, and the way my pictures come out.

If you don't know what a ring light is, its a big round light that goes on your vanity for great lighting! If you do know what they are, you know that they are very pricey. The cheapest one I found was around $60.

Im the type of person that loves DIYS and saving money, so this worked out perfectly for me.

With that being said, let me shut up and show you how to make it!

Materials: (all materials were purchased from Walmart)
- Box of daylight rope lights. around $12ish I think
- A wired wreath. (you can find these in the craft section, or next to the fake flowers) $5
- Aluminum foil $2
- Zip Ties  $0.50

1- Taking that wired wreath, wrap aiming foil all around it. Make sure you cover everything, because the light will reflect off of the foil.

2- Next, add the rope lights and wrap it around in a circle in the wreath. Make sure to untangle and set the rope straight first. It should coil around perfectly.

3- Lastly, Zip tie around the wreath to secure the lights in place. You don't have to go crazy with them. I used about 5 and thats it.

Now you have a sweet new ring light and your wallet is happy! If you have any question, comment down below and I can help! Ciao.


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